Plantar Fasciitis
What is Plantar Fasciitis?
How does Plantar Fasciitis occur?
The Traditional Approach to Treatment
The New Approach to Treatment
Since then, numerous studies have used this information to test new methods of treating the plantar fascia with high-load strength training. Specific sets of exercises aiming to increase the efficacy of tissue adaptation in the plantar fascia have been used and proved successful. Research is still ongoing testing different types of exercises against each other, but we now know for sure that loading the plantar fascia with strength training exercises can be used to treat plantar fasciitis.
Where can I get help for my Plantar Fasciitis?
About Chapman Physiotherapy
At Chapman Physiotherapy Ltd we pride ourselves on offering a first class physiotherapy service in South Yorkshire. Based in Doncaster, our easily accessible location provides full disabled facilities and appointments are available from early morning to late evening.